Friday, June 16, 2006

end of the week

So, the end of another week is upon us, and we find out several interesting things.
First, I am done with Biology. I have learned that I absolutely am horrendous at biology. While, I passed the class, it does not mean I did particularly well.
Second, people are stupid
Third, I have decided that I hate politics. I wish I could vote against republicans and democrats. They both have good things to say, but when the republicans spend ten hours of their day talking about how the democrats are soft on terror for wanting answers about their questions on Iraq...well...I do not understand.
Finally, the Cubs are already done for the the middle of June they are done, earlier than normal.
I am going to my second wedding of the summer tomorrow, this one is in the Chicago suburbs and is Jenny's cousin. It should be good, just a long day.


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